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PMC Winter Cycle Blog

Why I PMC - Robin Bernstein

Posted by Robin Bernstein on May 6, 2021 9:49:08 AM

#WhyIPMC guest blog by Robin Bernstein, 5-year PMC Winter Cycle Rider and PMC Volunteer

My story is very simple.  I was not feeling great and noticed that my stomach was getting larger.  I made an appointment to see my PCP on the Tuesday after memorial day (and as you can imagine, I never forget this holiday) and got the news that I had cancer.  I met with my oncologist on the Thursday of that same week he confirmed that it was, in fact, ovarian cancer. 
My surgery date was June 25, 2012, I was home on Wednesday, June 27, 2012 and I got the best news on July 3, 2012 (the best July 4th news) that my mass was contained, and the diagnosis was Stage 1, Grade 1A and I did not need any chemo or radiation.
So, the reason that I ride is that Dana-Farber does amazing, incredible work and I am Living Proof.  This Memorial Day Weekend I will be nine years cancer free and I so grateful to be healthy because health is wealth. 


Topics: PMC Winter Cycle

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