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PMC Winter Cycle Blog

Why I PMC - Stephanie Taylor

Posted by Bill Alfano on Dec 21, 2023 11:05:30 AM
Bill Alfano
#WhyIPMC guest blog by Stephanie Taylor, 1st-year PMC Winter Cycle, 1-year PMC Living Proof Rider - Team Duncan team member

In the summer of 2023, while still undergoing treatment for breast cancer, I rode in my first Pan-Mass Challenge. When I joined Team Duncan last year, I had no idea the impact the team, the story of Duncan, and the PMC experience would have on my life as a patient and a survivor. I met an incredible group of people and enjoyed the most magical first Pan-Mass Challenge experience. In September, my kids joined Team Duncan to ride in a PMC Kids Ride, as we continue to raise money for the Breast Cancer Research Fund at DFCI. Since then, I have completed my year of treatment and had my reconstructive surgery and I'm ready to ride again!DD597D7F-EC24-443D-8757-009B90E44834

With all of that behind me, I'm getting back on the bike for the PMC Winter Cycle at Fenway Park on Saturday, March 9, 2024. I will be riding with Team Duncan again, and committing all fundraising dollars to the Breast Cancer Research Fund at DFCI.




Topics: PMC Winter Cycle, Why I PMC, #WHYIPMC, PMC 2024, #OneInABillion, #PMC2024

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