There are some things that just make you feel good: the sound of your shoes clipping in, the contour of well-padded saddle, and the right fit and grip of your handlebars. The “riders high” from pumping endorphins is equally matched by the knowledge that you are making a difference in the lives of cancer patients. It must be PMC Winter Cycle season!

Why I PMC - Robin Bernstein
#WhyIPMC guest blog by Robin Bernstein, 5-year PMC Winter Cycle Rider and PMC Volunteer

June 6 Is the New 2021 PMC Winter Cycle Date
Breaking news! We are thrilled to announce the new date for the 2021 PMC Winter Cycle: June 6, 2021!
We are thankful for your patience as we coordinated with Fenway Park to reschedule our event in support of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

2021 PMC Winter Cycle Postponed
Despite planning a small, socially distanced event, we have decided to postpone both in-person and virtual rides for the 2021 PMC Winter Cycle due to rising coronavirus cases in Boston. This decision was made in partnership with the City of Boston, Fenway Park and local health officials, with our riders’ and volunteers’ health and safety top of mind.

Matching Grant to Double the Impact of 2021 PMC Winter Cycle Fundraising
We’re excited to announce a first for the PMC Winter Cycle: This spring, a very generous anonymous donor will double the impact of the total PMC Winter Cycle fundraising with a 1:1 matching grant, up to $2 million.

PMC Winter Cycle Exceeds 2020 Fundraising Goal
The 2020 PMC Winter Cycle exceeded its 2020 fundraising goal thanks to the efforts of the dedicated riders, volunteers, donors, and sponsors.

Work Out at Home With PMC Winter Cycle Instructors
While you're at home practicing social distancing, you may be looking for ways to stay active while gyms and studios are closed. Luckily, PMC Winter Cycle instructors have online options for you! Check out the list below to find ways to mix up your at-home fitness routine.

Why I PMC - Tracey Bourque
It all started about 5 years ago when I was diagnosed with Stage 2B Bulky Hodgkins lymphoma at the age of 45. I was very fortunate to find an amazing team of doctors and nurses at Dana Farber, a place that I still call home even to this day even when Im only visiting once a year. I knew that once I beat this, I wanted to be able to give back to this amazing "family" that I am now a part of.

WHOOP Live to Debut at Fenway Park During PMC Winter Cycle
WHOOP, the human performance company, today announced that for the first time, WHOOP Live stats will be displayed during the PMC Winter Cycle on Saturday, January 25, 2020 at Fenway Park. The sold-out indoor spinning event kicks off 2020 fundraising efforts for the Pan-Mass Challenge (PMC), following a record-breaking $63 million gift to Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in 2019.

The Pan-Mass Challenge is pleased to announce that Cambridge-based cancer genomics insights company, Foundation Medicine, will be an official sponsor of the 2020 PMC Winter Cycle. In support of the partnership, 25 Foundation Medicine employees will participate as PMC Winter Cycle riders, helping to kickstart Pan-Mass Challenge fundraising efforts for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.

Why I PMC - Suzanne Merritt
Just 8 years ago (in December 2011) I was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer and began my journey to remission and recover at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. Less than a year after my journey began, I rode in my first PMC from Sturbridge to Provincetown. Since then I have participated in the PMC 6 more times as well as my first Winter Cycle in 2019 and have raised over $124,000.

TIEM Athletic is an official sponsor of the PMC Winter Cycle
The Pan-Mass Challenge is pleased to announce that TIEM has signed on to be an official sponsor of the PMC Winter Cycle, the organization’s indoor spinning fundraiser that kicks off fundraising efforts for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute each year.